Li: ritual, propriety, etiquette. Hsiao: love within the family (parents for children and children for parents. Yi: righteousness--the noblest way to act in a situation. Xin: honesty and trustworthiness. Jen: benevolence, humaneness towards others. Chung: loyalty to the state and authority. --Confucius (Kong Fuzi)

All articles appear in reverse chronological order [newest first].

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I believe the past is relevant, sometimes more than others of course. In most cases we are seeing history being repeated, so it is most relevant.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can Someone Explain To Me Why…

“…Tea Partiers aren’t marching on the state capitol with the rest of us in opposition to bills that…”

I asked this question in a previous article [click here] concerning the absence of Tea Partiers at the statehouse marches in light of the anti-local government aspect of the bills being protested. Now on a larger scale Thom Hartmann further addresses the similarities between the progressive objections to big business subsidies and the motivations of the Tea Party, or at least the truly grass roots element of the Tea Party.


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